Welcome to Class 4F's blog. Basically this blog was open to host a blogging competition held by our school, Kranji Secondary School.
This site has been re-existant since 21.5.06 and hopefully will continue until we graduate.
Click on the hover links the right to navigate your way around and lastly enjoy you stay here!


May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
March 2007

Sunday, August 27, 2006                                                           
hey AMMAR here again...i seriously feel that this class blog is a graveyard! no wait its worst than that becaus graveyards still have visitors too! i am going to put this post up anyways. i dunno if its my computer or what but i cannot seem to post an entry on my own blog! well there was not much homework just amath TYS emath txtbk and english. ya that is all! oh and remember emath test tomorrow and amath on tuesday and then holiday for the rest of the week! oh happy days! i think that you can tell that i am very bored right now. im off to watch the tube! gdbye!

4Fian 6:45 PM |

Sunday, August 20, 2006                                                           
hello AMMAR here! our blog looks so dead with the latest entry on the 19august!! so im being generous here by sacrificing my time which should be used in doing homework to write this entry. So you better give me credit for this! hoho. so its just been stressful for all of us lately. with a mountain of math homework! actually two mountains! hoho. not to mention the non stop tests! can you imagine having 7 tests in five days! this is too much! but people, if you were to study hard till the late night/morning like me, not only will you gain panda eyes, but you would acheive great results! so be a panda today! all you have to do is stay up until 4am everyday to revise! JUST KiDDING!!! eventhough i do that, i do not want you to because lack of sleep is bad people!! very bad! haha. well maybe we/I should post the homeworks and test we have everyday! so when a teacher happens to pass by, they would be able to see that we have too much homework and tests to study for that they wil complain to the school and we will have a month free from homeworks! THAT WILL BE THE DAY!! ya as mdm mah would say, quote, "you all are triple science class, you should do alot, infact, you should do more!" by the way, we are not triple science class, we are FROM a triple science class! teachers nowadays have poor english/grammar! seriously! and they still have the cheek to say that we students are poor in our volcabulary! obviously not english teachers but those teaching other subjects! sometimes they use the letter s at the end of every word and im confused if they are actually trying to say that it is supposed to be alot or just one! okay so cut the crap! i better be going off now! math homework is awaiting me! cries! to top it off, the list of homeworks and tests!

9 amath questions (as always)
english speech (most of us are clueless on how it should be done!)
malay homework (for the higher malay students)
biology practical workbook

math trigo test on monday (i think?)
math common test on wednesday
well cant say now actually since the teachers would definately add more tests next week!

so on a last note, good luck!

4Fian 12:04 AM |

Wednesday, August 09, 2006                                                           
hey guys....r ur interested to do a class tee anot??? cuz nx year our last yr le...so mus try doing something special so tat keep as souvenir....but i doubt anyone can giv me ans cuz i dun tink anyone coem and tag here anymore....am i right??? i jus put up see if,by any chance u see it....and giv suggestion of wat should we do....

4Fian 9:04 PM |